Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Illegal Immigration

In some ways I'm conflicted about the issue of Illegal immigration. Many of my fellow libertarians think anyone should be able to come and go as they please. Ideally, that's how it should be. However, pragmatically, it just doesn't make sense. I think we must carefully control the borders, but liberally grant work visas for those who want to work. We need to weed out the criminals and potential terrorists. But we should also allow good people wanting to support their family to come here. There are several arguments for and against doing something to fix the problem of illegal immigration.

One argument for fixing the problem is that illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans and legal immigrants. If you truly believe in free market capitalism as I do, this is not an issue. It is perhaps a little bit unfair to those who play by the rules, but if someone is willing to do a job for less money than someone else, then that's just free market capitalism.

Another argument is that illegal immigrants are overwhelming our social services. This is true in many cases, particularly in communities where there are large populations of illegal immigrants. However, if charities took care of such services rather than the government, then it would not matter as much. Individual charities can set their own requirements for eligibility for benefits, and people could choose which of these charities they wish to support. If we continue to have social services provided by the government (as we almost certainly will for as long as any of us are still alive), then we could demand that only citizens and legal immigrants should be eligible for benifits. Without doing anything else, this solution would address this argument. This would also help provide incentive for immigrants to come here legally.

Some may argue that illegal immigration leads to higher crime rates. This is actually a pretty good argument, though many who make this argument seem to think of immigrants in general as thugs. I belive most are not. By having tight control over our borders, we can keep many criminals from coming here.

As I just mentioned, I believe most immigrants, more specifically hispanic immigrants, are good people. If I grew up in a big city where there was a problem with hispanic gangs, I might have a little different prospective. But I grew up in a rural area where there was a large hispanic population who mostly worked for agricultural businesses. Amoung the hispanic students at school, some were poor students, some were great students, and some were average. The percentages of hispanic students in each group seemed to be about the same as with white students. And just like the white students, most were pretty good people with a few who were bad. White and hispanic students interacted as if there were no differences. I can't imagine anyone who is familiar with hispanics who would want to prevent them from comming to this country.

Demanding that people come here legally is not about preventing hispanics or any other group of immigrants from comming here (although there are some bigots for whom this is exactly what the issue is about). It is about making sure the rate of immigration is a rate that our social services can manage, and at the same time filtering out criminals. Right now, it seems to be easier for people to come here illegally. While it is easy for us to criticize illegal immigrants for disregarding our laws, people in desparate situations will easily disregard immigration laws to feed their families. It is up to us to make sure people come here according to our laws, but at the same time, we need to make it easier for people to come here legally.


JustaDog said...

we need to make it easier for people to come here legally - why?

As I just mentioned, I believe most immigrants, more specifically hispanic immigrants, are good people. - You believe people that break the law and suck our resources are "good". I guess that defines the context of your post.

Some may argue that illegal immigration leads to higher crime rates. This is actually a pretty good argument, - this is a no-brainer. Just check the statistics of the percent of those in our prison system - supported by American taxpayers. Then multiply that my about 10 for all those not caught.

Another argument is that illegal immigrants are overwhelming our social services. This is true in many cases - No, it is true in ALL cases - unless you can document where it is not. Taxes and fees have been rising in cities to support this social burdon. Often they are hidden as taxes and fees for other purposes but the reality is the social costs have been draining the general funds for years.

One argument for fixing the problem is that illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans and legal immigrants. If you truly believe in free market capitalism as I do, this is not an issue. - You are very wrong in your conclusion. Capitalism requires every business play by the same gamebook and the companies that hire illegal aliens hide their illegal advantange of lower costs (overhead), cheats the system by not paying (reporting) payroll taxes and wages (often paid under the table), and thus gets an illegal advantage over a competitor that follows the laws. This is not Capitalism.

Magick Monkey said...

Good people can be guilty of breaking the law. That means they are not perfect, but not all together bad. If a thief steals food for his family, he or she is definately wrong, but not necessarily a bad person in general.

You say that in all cases illegal immigrants are overwhelming our social services. While probably every city or town has this problem, its really hard to prove that every single illegal immigrant is using our social services. Thats why I said it's true in many cases rather than in most or all cases.

"Capitalism requires every business play by the same gamebook...". You have a bit of a point here, but if several legal residents came here legally and created competition for wages, I would not consider it a problem. The main reason (and the best one) to forbid employement for illegal immigrants is to remove incentive for them to come here illegally. Also, if we reformed our government properly, then no business would have to report anything, and there would be no minimum wage.